The Sisters of Saint Joseph have had a long history in the parish. They were founded in Granville in 1885. The first community consisted of five nuns, three of whom were teaching in a rented house used as a school. Owing to an increase in students, the order was compelled to secure a property on the corner of Woodville Road and William Street where a new convent and boarding school was built, the work beginning in 1915.
The current school building was opened in 1934. In 1943, the Sisters also opened a school in East Granville which, at that time, was still part of the Granville community. The nuns travelled to and from this school every day. In 1967, the school was placed under lay administration and in 1977, the convent was closed owing to its size and its need of repairs.
The period 1994–1995 saw a major refurbishment of the school with extensive modernisation to the existing buildings and the construction of a new library to cater for the needs of the school.
Established in 1886, Holy Trinity Primary was founded by the Sisters of St Joseph and continued under the sisters' administration until 1976 when the first lay principal was appointed. The school has seen many changes with building programs taking place in 1913, 1934, 1964 and 1995.
Holy Trinity Primary is a small school in which members of the community work hard to maintain the friendly and hospitable atmosphere. School Spirit is a high priority and parents are encouraged to build happy working relationships with members of staff.
The school is characterised by the teaching of strong Catholic Christian values and there is a strong emphasis on the teaching of living skills and courteous behaviour.