Vietnamese Community
The Vietnamese community have been a part of the parish for over 30 years celebrating Holy Mass every Sunday evening at 5pm at Holy Trinity Church. In addition to Mass, the community also have their own Legion of Mary group who meet every Sunday afternoon and a Youth group. The Vietnamese community have been a tremendous asset to the parish through their support of parish events, both liturgical and social, being a part of the church cleaning group and flower arrangements, which adorn the church.
Ghanaian Community
The Ghanaian community have been part of our parish community for over 10 years and meet for Mass at 11:30am on the Second and Last Sunday of each month. The community is made up of a small yet vibrant group of faithful who come together to join in the celebration of the Holy Mass. In addition, the community offers their support to the parish through cleaning the church and taking part in Parish liturgical and social events.